Sólyomvár - Királyliget
Author: Phonteus Nevolius (BVE Klub) |
Version: ![]() |
Last Update: 2016-12-21 |
Country: Hungary ![]() |
Fictional: yes |
Length: 30 km |
Runs on: OpenBVE |
Trains: MÁV M61, MÁV 418 (M41) |
URL: https://bve.hu/solyomvar-kiralyliget |
Phonteus Nevolius, route's author, has been thinking about connecting the Királyliget and the Sólyomvár line ever since he started building the latter one. Finally he started working on it and now it's ready. You can drive three trains on the 30 km long connected route: a fast train, an Intercity service and a zone train. They all stop at various places so it is a good idea to have the timetable at hand (you can also find the timetable in the ReadMe.txt file while installing).
All the necessary trains are included in the route package, you don't have to download any trains separately.
Be careful with speed: the maximum is 80 kph up to Magyarszentpéter station and 120 kph onward. You will have to travel at these speeds to avoid being late.
You must install the latest version of the Királyliget and the Sólyomvár lines before you run this route.